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Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Foods Can Make Me Grow Taller - What Can You Eat to Grow Taller Naturally Even After Puberty?

Growing naturally is always a topic born during the adolescent years. You see everybody catching up on their height while you are there standing in awe and wondering why you are still at the beginning station. It can be embarrassing when the people you know (who are actually shorter than you before) are now taller than you. It is sometimes a subject of ridicule among adolescents. But, you actually have two choices namely - work on getting few inches up or give up the spook entirely by blaming your inherited genes for not being taller. Genetic inheritance is something that we have no jurisdiction over but we can maximize our genes by pushing it through the limits so that we can achieve what we want. If it is a great issue for you then it would be fair enough reason for you to work hard for it.

Growing taller would mean you have to maintain the correct diet, which will help your "genes" to work extra hard in making you grow taller. It means that you need to EAT RIGHT!

So, what do I need to eat?

1 - Vitamin D-rich foods

Vitamin D is always termed as the vitamin of sunshine because primarily this vitamin is obtained from the sun but it is not entirely true. It is because you cannot only get this from the sun but also from foods you can find in the supermarket and are available for you consumption. Exposure to sunlight is not at all necessary but still helpful especially when the sun is still rising.

So, here are some of the foods that you take in replacement of the sun:

* Margarine

* Cod liver oil

* Herring

* Canned salmon

* Fortified butters

* Kippers

* Mackerel

Getting vitamin D for your consumption will help you greatly in your quest to get taller but you should not exceed the dosage recommended daily. Remember, too much of everything is still bad for health even if they are beneficial in the sense.

Lack or absence of vitamin D from your body will make your bones brittle and soft, which will affect your overall posture and will ultimately hinder the process of growth. So, the road to growing taller would mean lots of vitamin D for you.

2 - Protein-rich foods

The greatest source of protein is lean meat and therefore, you need to eat more of this kind of food to influence your growth rate. However, you need to be certain that you will be converting those proteins into the energy you need.

Your metabolism will greatly affect your rate of growth. It is because your metabolism will facilitate the production of growth hormones. This should help you gain your growth in no time at all.

Article By Casey Gentles

Nutritious Foods That Increase Your Height.

It is undeniably true that nutritious foods are beneficial to the overall health of the people. The type of food a person eats determines the quality of growth he/she will get. Foods when breaks down in the body system to serve as a fuel that is needed in day to day activity and some of the nutrients goes down to the system needed for growth.

Tying to find out ways of getting taller one must not disregard the food intake. There are lots of nutritious foods that make you grow taller. Figure out first what are the nutrients needed for growing tall.

Calcium is needed by the bone to stay strong. They are prominent in dairy products such as yogurt, milk and cheese and non-dairy products such as okra, broccoli, almonds, salmon and sardines.

Protein is important to grow taller. This will help the body for its muscle formation and structure. Some of the foods that are rich in protein are milk, eggs (daily consumption is not recommended), cheese and yogurt, lean meat and fish.

More fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed. The health benefits of this are enormous. Aside from it helps people prevent many types of diseases it keeps the body glow and gives color to the skin.

The importance of being aware of the foods that make you grow taller is that it saves them from spending money for supplement need for growing tall. Good choice of food and healthy lifestyle gives a person nice body built and structure.

Article By, 
Katy Liao

Vitamins & Minerals That Help You Grow Taller - Absolute Must Know to Increase Your Height

Eating the right kinds of food is imperative in the proper development and growth of the body. Not only does it determine your weight, it also influences your height. If you want to get a little bit taller than you are, you must take a closer look at what you're eating. There are vitamins that help you grow taller and these are essential because they supply your system with needed nutrients.

Your diet should always have appropriate amounts of fiber, minerals, proteins, zinc and calcium in order for you to be the tallest that you can possibly be. Experts have vouched for the effectiveness of these vitamins in enhancing proper growth. If you think you've missed out on a single vitamin like Vitamin A, for example, you must look into purchasing a supplement pill to make up for it.

There is no other way to get taller than by taking the right vitamins. Surgery can be very expensive, not to mention risky. Surgery isn't natural at all and sooner or later your body will collapse with lack of proper support from your skeletal structure. Take a look at these vitamins that help you grow taller:

Vitamin D

You'll get high amounts of Vitamin from fishes, liver, and egg yolks. This particular vitamin aids in transporting calcium from your food to the mainstream of the body. It also helps in the formation of phosphorus and calcium within the bones. Kids should have plenty of vitamin D especially during formative years in order to maximize their growth potential. Make sure you take at least 400 IU of Vitamin D everyday.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed for boosting one's immune system as well as for your eyes and reproductive organs to do their job. It plays an important role in stimulating your pituitary gland to operate at top speed, thereby enhancing growth. Foods that are rich with this particular vitamin are red bell peppers, carrots, papaya, oranges, lime and sweet potato. As you will notice, these fruits have one thing in common - they have shades of orange in their color. You may also get Vitamin A in figs, salmon, liver, egg yolk, fish cod, tomatoes, and broccoli. To get the most of this vitamin, take at least 4000 IU every day.


Calcium is needed for proper formation of bones. Weak bones tend to slow down the process of growth and render you tired and worn out all the time. Adults need calcium just as much as babies do. In fact, calcium can greatly help you in having good posture because with stronger bones, your body structure will be more upright and pleasant to look at. A good way to get calcium is by drinking milk that has calcium content specified in its label.

Article By 
Casey Gentles

Does Exercise to Increase Height Really Work? Are There Any Other Ways to Grow Taller?

Ever considered exercise to increase height? If you are looking for ways to grow taller, you will literally find 101 ways to increase your height when you conduct a search on the Internet.

Among the '101 ways', here are some of the more popular methods you will probably come across when you are conducting your own research:

1) Your diet

2) Hypnosis to increase height

3) Grow taller surgery such as cosmetic limb lengthening surgery

4) Height increase shoes or elevator shoes

5) Growth pills

6) The amount of sleep as well as your sleeping posture

7) Last but not least, you will see many websites suggesting exercise to increase height.

In this article, we will focus on diet and exercise. You may want to conduct your own reserach regarding the other 5 topics about growing taller.

First, let's briefly talk about diet.

Without a doubt, your diet plays a critical role in helping you to grow taller. This is especially true for young people who are still growing.

By consuming foods rich in calcium, proteins, amino acids and calories, you will supply your body with the fuel it needs to renew itself and grow.

Next, let's talk about exercise.

One of the most popular questions is this:

'How well does exercise work? Does exercise really help you get taller? Can you really exercise to increase height?'

Well, the answer to this question depend on your situation.

There are 2 main situations:

Situation 1: You are still going through puberty

Situation 2: You are already way past puberty

Let's begin with situation 1.

If you are still young and going through puberty, congratulations!

This is a golden period for you if you are wondering how to grow taller naturally. There is still a lot of potential for you to gain a lot of height.

Any type of exercises can be really helpful to help you grow taller naturally. This is because regular exercise can help promote the release of growth hormones in your body, which is a key to helping you increase your height.

So, what type of exercise should you do?

You may want to focus on workout routines that help you strengthen your muscles. This kind of exercises can help your body to release height growth hormones. First, it will improve your overall appearance. I believe you do not want to look tall and skinny, do you? Second, it will also strengthen your bones.

But what if you are in situation 2? What if you are already past puberty? Does it mean you have no more hope to grow taller?

Well, definitely not! Obviously, you probably can't expect to grow 10 inches. However, adding 2 to 4 inches to your height is still possible. For people who are vertically challenged, even 2 to 4 inches can make a lot of difference to your appearance and help you be more confident.

The only problem is that when you are past puberty, you have to do the right kind of exercise in order to grow taller. Doing the wrong kind of exercise may not be that helpful at all other than to keep yourself fit and healthy.

Article by 
James Jin

Increase height at home without going to any gym.

If you have been reading articles about height increasing like this before online, you must have known that there are some unnatural ways to grow taller. Height increasing surgeries like limb lengthening surgery surely work. But they are very expensive and could cause much pains. And many people are looking forward to growing several inches at once by taking growing taller supplements. But there's no such magic pills in the world. In this article, I'm going to go through the natural way which involves proper diets, effective exercises and good sleeping. Hopefully, you will be able to learn what growing taller naturally is like and get ready to start so that you can finally gain one inch or two in a short period of time.

The first thing that we're going to talk about is diet. Our body, including the muscles and bones, needs sufficient nutrients in order to grow in height. So a balanced diet is very important if you want to grow taller. The first step you're going to take when it comes to grow taller diets is get rid of the junk food. Another step is to include as many good foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, into your diets as possible. Spinach is a very good vegetable that you should eat on a daily basis.

The second thing we're going to talk about is exercising. As scientists tell us, exercises are important when it comes to growing taller. That's because exercising is supposed to strengthen the muscles and, more importantly, help with the production of human growth hormones which play very important role in the human growth. One of such exercises is swimming. During swimming, our body is less subject to gravity. And as our arms and legs are paddling the water, our body is being stretched. That is why the torso of professional swimmers is longer than that of average people.

The third thing that is very important for height increasing is sleep. In this respect, you will not only need to have enough sleep in terms of hours, preferably more than 8 hours a day, but also make sure that the quality of your sleep is super. That is because the human growth hormones are mostly produced during sound sleep.

Now that you know what are involved in growing taller naturally, taking care of your diets, exercises and sleep, you might want to get started right away. So pick one aspect and go for it.
Article By Gorden Colum

Ways to Increase Height - 4 Different Methods Explored

A lot of short men and women are interested in learning about the various ways to increase height. Given that our society is so prejudiced against short height, it is understandable why short individuals want to learn how to grow taller. I, being not too blessed in the height department myself, researched a great deal to learn about the different ways to increase height. Here, I'll share some of them with you.

1. Height Increase Surgery

This is the sure-shot way to increase height at almost any age. By slowly inducing micro-fractures in your thigh and shin bones, they can be made to increase in length over time. This is an extremely painful procedure that will confine you to the bed for up to 6 months. It is also terribly expensive, costing well over $50-100,000. Height increase surgery is not approved by the FDA and thus, you will have to seek this treatment in countries like Russia or Japan. Because of these factors, height increase surgery is not recommended to anyone but the extremely short who suffer daily handicaps because of their height. If you are above 5 feet tall, have a proportionate body, you need to opt for this method.

On the plus side, height increase surgery can add anything from 4-6 inches to your overall height. This may seem like a lot, but considering the pain, expenses, and the risk of permanent damage to your legs, it is advisable to avoid it.

2. Height Increase Supplements

A lot of companies with dubious reputations sell various height increase supplements on the internet. Most of these supplements or pills cost hundreds of dollars for each bottle. The results from such supplements are dubious at best. The most likely result you will get from these is number of side-effects that can range from stomach aches to even memory loss. None of these supplements are approved by the FDA, and thus, it is recommended that you stay as far away from them as possible.

3. Height Increase Exercises and Diet

If you truly want to increase your height, there is no better method than to follow a well rounded exercise and diet program. Your body's height is a function of genetics as well as your environment (which includes exercise and diet). By performing certain specific exercises, you provide your body with the stimulus to grow taller, and by eating a carefully constructed diet plan, you give it the nutrients that it needs to grow. Best of all, such this method is all natural, has zero side effects, and will end up making you fitter and healthier.

4. Elevator Shoes and Height Increasing Insoles

The final method will not really increase your height, but can make you appear taller by anything from 1-3 inches. By wearing shoes with a thick sole, and supplementing it with a 1-1.5 inch thick insole, you can easily add 1-3 inches to your height.

Article by 
Lisa P. Eason

Friday, June 6, 2014

Stretching exercises to increase height

Take a moment to look yourself in the mirror and honestly ask - are you satisfied with how tall you are now? Don't you wish you could be a few more inches taller to feel more confident of yourself?
The great news is your wish CAN come true in just a few weeks from now! Stretching exercises to increase height have been proven to work for anybody...at any age.
This natural technique of getting taller has not only helped those with severe growth deficiency, but also adults like you and me who desire the few extra inches in height. And not only are these stretching exercises proven to do its job, they are fairly simple to perform too.
No, you do not need any special gym equipment. Nor are they physically demanding. Stretching exercises to increase height can be as simple as those kids perform at Physical Ed. So unless you are physically impaired, it would barely be a challenge to you.
So how is exercising supposed to help you increase in height?
Our body grows with the help of a certain human growth hormone produced by the pituitary glands in our brain. The trouble is, as we age, our body produces lesser and lesser of this hormone.
Stretching exercises have shown to stimulate the body to increase its human growth hormone secretion. Well, not just any stretching exercises though, but those designed by fitness experts to specifically target the body's growth mechanism.
Apart from stimulating the production of human growth hormone, stretching exercises also work on the spine to correct its curvature and alignment. The spine is extended to its optimal length, helping you increase in height by a couple of inches or more.
There is no harm in trying out this technique to increase in height, as long as you follow the proper exercise guidelines set by qualified fitness experts. Who knows, you may wake up a few weeks from now not recognizing the taller person you see in the mirror!

So my question to you is...are you SERIOUS about increasing your height?

Why the spine is important for increasing the height?

If you are on the shorter side, I am sure you have searched the internet and see so many sites promising this and that. Telling you to buy there lotion or some magic pill that will make you grow over night. I know all about the hype because just like you I have been there too. There is no magic pill or special insole that is going to help you grow taller. Yes, it is possible to grow taller with the right nutrition, exercises and mindset you will increase your height. The most important part of your body that can be manipulated to help you grow inches is your spine. In order to increase your height, you will have to focus on stretching and making your spine longer.
Your spinal column consists of 33 separate bones that are called vertebrae. 24 of these vertebrae are never fused together which means that there is room for you to add height. There are soft tissue pads called inter-vertebral discs that are found between your vertebrae. The purposes of these inter- vertebral discs are to keep your vertebrae from rubbing against each other and causing you pain.
You can exercise and stretch these discs to make them thicker, to make the blood circulation and the fluid content of the discs increase. And when your inter-vertebral discs expand, your spinal column lengthens. The longer you make your spinal column, the more your height will increase. Your spinal column makes up about 35 percent of your overall total height. This means that most people can increase there height by 2-3 inches or more through stretching exercises and good nutrition.

There are tons of people all over the world who have grown taller by 2-3 inches even after puberty simply by performing exercises to stretch and lengthen there spines and you can also!

How to increase height quickly and safely?

There are many ways for you to learn how to increase height safely and naturally. It is important that you gather as much information as you can before taking any action to grow taller, as misleading material abounds.
For a safe and natural method to experience growth of up to several inches, refer to the following.

Eat a healthy diet

To increase height safely and naturally, make sensible choices when you eat. Remember that food is also a fuel for healthy cell growth and body function, not just a taste bud fix. If you want to know how to increase height safely and naturally, make sure your diet includes good proteins and amino acids.
You also need to include quality calcium, and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and grains for plant nutrients and minerals.
Increasing your tallness safely includes also reducing sugar, processed foods, caffeine and other junk food as these add stress to the body and leach out vital grow-taller nutrients.

Rest and Play

To increase height safely and naturally, your body needs sleep to allow the spinal area to relax. This takes pressure off the discs, and reduces the compressing effect of standing for long periods. Playing helps keep the body active and supple through the day.


Burn off excess energy so it is not stored as fat, which literally weighs you down. Exercise targets muscles and joints and helps with growth. Combine good exercise like stretches with growth supplements. These contain protein and calcium. When you trigger your body into releasing growth hormone, your diet and exercise and rest habits will boost your growth.
It is not hard to learn how to increase height safely and naturally. Be sensible about it. Eat well, rest and play, and exercise, while also taking good supplements.

It's not uncommon to see additional tallness of 2-3 inches from following positive and safe techniques.

How to increase your height fast?

How to increase your height fast? Is this the question worrying you? You want ultimate ideas to increase height. You can increase your height fast if you follow some ultimate tips listed here. Height grows best with the combination of diet, exercising and rest.
You should eat healthy food daily. After all what you eat gives great impact to your growth. You need to care for your eating habits. Always eat healthy and hygienic food. Look for a diet containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, calcium, etc. They all should be to the perfect required level. Consume them daily. These all nutrients promote growth by all means. Calcium strengthens your bones and grows it, whereas proteins help to increase muscle growth. You should eat enough of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Drink fresh fruits and vegetable juices according to your preference. Make a habit to drink plenty of fluids daily. If you follow all these properly, you will surely increase your height fast.
The next thing is proper exercising. You should exercise daily for one hour at least. You should basically focus on exercises that promote whole body growth. There are many stretching exercises that you can do. You should try crunches and hanging up. Doing these all in proper sets according to your suitability, you will surely increase your height. Along with proper exercising, focus on a proper rest. Take eight hours of sleep daily. This will keep your mind fresh and stimulate growth hormone production at a higher rate.

If you follow all these tips from your childhood, you will surely increase your height fast. These guidelines are not only for children, but matured people or who have crossed puberty too can increase height fast with these. You will not grow at all, if you have some serious illness that has affected your growth hormone.

How to Increase Height With Simple Techniques

If you want to increase height, you need to have the right techniques. Not everyone is as tall as they want to be, and often there is no natural cure that will actually work to increase height. There are some solutions to this common problem, however, that can boost your height and your self-esteem quickly and easily.

Options Available 

If you need to increase height, there are some great options available for you. First, you can begin using heel lifts to help you look taller. Heel lifts are a simple option because they begin to work instantly, so there is no long wait time to see results. You can purchase heel lifts online, too. By purchasing online, you don¡¦t have to worry about being embarrassed in a local shop, and you will also save some money online since the prices are often largely discounted.
You can also begin exercising to ensure you are reaching your maximum height potential. When you want to increase height, strong muscles in your back will work to lift your body so you appear taller than ever. Working out does work, but it takes a few weeks or months to see results, however, so during this time heel lifts can do the work for you.

Common Exercises 

One of the most common ways to increase height is the use of exercise. Yoga, for example, is a great way to exercise that has been proven to help you become taller. The exercises in yoga focus on building flexibility and strength through the use of poses. The poses become increasingly difficult the more you learn, so don¡¦t think that this is an ineffective way to exercise after only a few classes. You can practice yoga for many months, and still learn and develop your body to its full potential.
Along with your exercises, you will also want to eat a healthy diet. When you are trying to increase height, you really don¡¦t want extra weight pulling you down. With a strong build and the proper diet and exercises, you will find that you stand taller than ever. If you still haven¡¦t reached the height that you really want, you can try some heel lifts or insoles to increase your height, as well.

Tools to Use 

If you want to increase height, then you may consider using height insoles or heel lifts. Height insoles are very inexpensive, and can be adjusted to fit your needs perfectly. You can purchase a set of insoles for less than ten dollars, and appear one to two inches taller instantly. This is one of the simplest solutions to increasing your height, especially when you have already begun to use exercises and improved your diet. 
Heel lifts are purchased by the set, so you can have more than one set on hand to try out several pairs. After you have found the set that is right for you concerning comfort and height increase, you can stock up to have several pairs on hand to use as needed.

How to increase height naturally even after puberty

There are a lot of occasions where even after attaining puberty people lack the sufficient height. Listed here are some of the most effective workouts and diet you should try.

Exercises for increasing height

Perpendicular hanging is a good stretching exercise you should try. It is an easy but extremely beneficial exercise that you can do from home. What you need is a strong solid bar that can sustain your weight. Fix it at least 7 inches above the ground so that you can keep a distance of between 4-6 inches between your feet and the ground. Start hanging and do not hold your arms too close or too wide. Hang for few seconds at the start and then for few minutes and afterwards hang for as long as you can. When you start getting tired slowly swing backward and forward and try to touch the surface by stretching your feet. You will feel stretching effect on your limbs and spine. This exercise flexes your spine and stretches it so that you can grow a little taller.

Cobra stretch is a yoga work out meant to elongate your spine and make it flexible. This helps the cartilage between your spinal column grow thus, increasing your height. This is done by lying on the floor on your abdomen and curving your spine up as far back as you can, lead with your chin for between 5-30 seconds. This will make your whole spine and lower limbs stretch.

Food diet for growing taller

Intake of the right diet rich in calcium is also another way for growing taller. Food that is rich in calcium but low in carbohydrates and fats help a lot in increasing height. A lot of carbohydrates and fats hinder the protein metabolism which is important for growth. Some of these foods include, drinking plenty amount of milk. Soybeans too are a good source of growth hormones which build proteins.

Foods that are rich in protein should also be taken in plenty if you wish to grow taller. By taking these types of foods you add a few more inches to your body height. Examples of the foods are milk, eggs, chicken beef, soybeans and oatmeal. Just to mention a few.

The above are the few guaranteed ways of growing taller even after puberty. Try the combination of the above exercises and diets and you will notice how they will have an effect on your height.

How to Increase Height by Exercises

If you're serious about increasing your height, then you should learn how to increase height by exercise. Exercise is a key component to a quality grow taller regimen. This along with a good nutritional program and sleep will help you add inches to your current height and grow taller soon. Here are a few exercise tips to get taller.


Like we have told before, stretching has so many benefits for those looking to increase their height. First, it helps keep the muscles relax and circulate blood to those areas. Stretching also helps loosen the vertebra. Loosening the vertebra  is critical because it alleviates any decompression that causes the spine to get shorter. You need to learn stretches that are designed and specific to help you grow taller. Yoga poses are great stretching exercises that help you loosen the vertebra. You can find illustrations of these yoga stretches online.

High Intensity Exercise

High intensity exercise can help you grow taller because these exercise produce growth hormone in your body. These exercises include resistance training and high intensity endurance exercise such as cycling, sprinting, and swimming. A spinning class at the gym is more intense than a fun  ride on the exercise bike. If you're not accustomed to these types of exercises, you should gradually increase your intensity rather than going full speed from the start.

Core Exercise

For those who want to learn how to increase height by exercise should engage in core training. These are exercises that work the muscles of the obliques, abs, and lower back. Core exercises are really important because I believe many postural issues could be resolved by strengthening these areas. Having good posture ensures you are standing at maximum height. Good exercises to target these areas are crunches, side bends, and back raises.

This article explained you how to increase height by exercising. You should incorporate these exercises along with sufficient nutrition, supplement, and sleep regimen designed to help you grow taller. Changes won't happen overnight but if you consistently apply these methods; you will increase your height for sure.