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Saturday, May 31, 2014

4 Grow Taller Stretches to Increase Height in 10 Minutes Per Day

Do you believe that grow taller stretches really work? Yes they do. Stretching is one of the best methods available for lengthening the spinal cord or the vertebral column  which in turn increases your height.

How often should you do stretching exercises?

You should perform in stretching exercises as often as possible. Some people would recommend 1-2 times every day. However, in reality, if you want to grow taller just do it as much as you can. 1-2 times a day will be enough, but 5-10 times per day will get you even better results. The more you stretch, the quicker you grow taller

What are the best stretches?

There are a number of grow taller exercises that work. Here are 4 of the most effective strectchin exercises to increase the height.
#1) Sky stretch
This is one of the simplest stretches, but it really works. For this, just reach as high as much as possible, while standing on your tip toes.
Keep in this posture for about 10-15 seconds, and then relax. Try to get at least 4 minutes total in this position.
#2) Leg stretch
This is the position where you sit with each leg stretched as far as possible in front, and then simply try to touch the toes of the legs. However, you have to keep your knees locked and tight. Maintain in this posture for 5 seconds, and then relax.
#3) Swimming
Swimming is an excellent grow taller exercise because it accomplishes 2 things at once. First one, it stretches your  spinal cord. However, if you do it correctly it also releases human growth hormones (HGH) which increases the size of the bones or the skeleton system.
This helps you grow taller in height. Keep in mind that the swimming should be intense. The more vigorous the exercise, the more HGH the body will produce. And more and more you will grow taller.
#4) Sleep correctly
When you sleep with the right posture, your body will naturally stretch out at night. You should sleep with your legs as far in front of you a possible, and arms at your sides. You must not sleep in a bent posture which will make you even more shorter.
Avoid using a pillow. This might take some time to get used to, but pillows are not good for the posture if you need to grow taller in height.
Also, avoid sleeping on your stomach or side. This is one of the most effective stretches of all.
Since you spend so much time sleeping (even more than 6 hours everyday), you want to make sure that you make the most use of that sleeping time.

So these are the 4 best grow taller stretching tips that helps you to grow taller naturally. Read our other articles too if you want to know the best tips on how to increase your height naturally.

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