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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ways to Increase Height - 4 Different Methods Explored

A lot of short men and women are interested in learning about the various ways to increase height. Given that our society is so prejudiced against short height, it is understandable why short individuals want to learn how to grow taller. I, being not too blessed in the height department myself, researched a great deal to learn about the different ways to increase height. Here, I'll share some of them with you.

1. Height Increase Surgery

This is the sure-shot way to increase height at almost any age. By slowly inducing micro-fractures in your thigh and shin bones, they can be made to increase in length over time. This is an extremely painful procedure that will confine you to the bed for up to 6 months. It is also terribly expensive, costing well over $50-100,000. Height increase surgery is not approved by the FDA and thus, you will have to seek this treatment in countries like Russia or Japan. Because of these factors, height increase surgery is not recommended to anyone but the extremely short who suffer daily handicaps because of their height. If you are above 5 feet tall, have a proportionate body, you need to opt for this method.

On the plus side, height increase surgery can add anything from 4-6 inches to your overall height. This may seem like a lot, but considering the pain, expenses, and the risk of permanent damage to your legs, it is advisable to avoid it.

2. Height Increase Supplements

A lot of companies with dubious reputations sell various height increase supplements on the internet. Most of these supplements or pills cost hundreds of dollars for each bottle. The results from such supplements are dubious at best. The most likely result you will get from these is number of side-effects that can range from stomach aches to even memory loss. None of these supplements are approved by the FDA, and thus, it is recommended that you stay as far away from them as possible.

3. Height Increase Exercises and Diet

If you truly want to increase your height, there is no better method than to follow a well rounded exercise and diet program. Your body's height is a function of genetics as well as your environment (which includes exercise and diet). By performing certain specific exercises, you provide your body with the stimulus to grow taller, and by eating a carefully constructed diet plan, you give it the nutrients that it needs to grow. Best of all, such this method is all natural, has zero side effects, and will end up making you fitter and healthier.

4. Elevator Shoes and Height Increasing Insoles

The final method will not really increase your height, but can make you appear taller by anything from 1-3 inches. By wearing shoes with a thick sole, and supplementing it with a 1-1.5 inch thick insole, you can easily add 1-3 inches to your height.

Article by 
Lisa P. Eason

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